Bookish Statistics Oct vs Sept

I can’t believe I forgot to post this earlier. Blame NaNoWriMo.

Anyway, here’s the blog post comparing my October and September reading statistics. If you’re looking for individual statistics for October or for my Writing goals check out the YouTube post below.

As promised in the video above, let’s dive into those comparisons.


Books Read814
Pages Read30704650
Pages Per Day122150
% IndependentlyPublished2528

Nothing to complain about with this data. Everything trended in the direction I like to see it trend… up.


It seems like my trend of reading female authors, which started in September, continued into October. This may seriously skew my data for the end of the year and I think I’m fine with that.

Age Categories

The trend I observed in September continues. It seems the likelihood of me reading a book has a positive trend with the age of the main character.


I really could’ve removed romance from this graph altogether. Not sure why I didn’t, honestly. You’ll notice I had to add nonfiction this month. However fantasy still took a pretty commanding lead. It’s really strange to me to watch mystery/thriller continue on its downward trend. You may remember when my family was surveyed they all named this as the genre I read the most. I will be interested in how this shakes down at the end of the year.

Release Years

Partially due to the opening of my YouTube channel for review requests, there’s an obvious uptick here in books published in the last ten years.

Speaking of which, if you had a part in bringing a book into the world (either as an author, publisher, or audiobook narrator) you can submit it for review here.

Star Rating

Didn’t Love (1-2 Stars)33
Average or Niche (3 Stars)26
Loved (4-5 Stars)35

I love the trend of the way this shaped up! October was a great month for a good book. Make sure you check out my wrap-up videos (on the book reviews tab of this website) to catch recommendations. 

Looking Forward

Nothing to do but to look onto November, right?

Full disclosure, I originally released this TBR list on the YouTube channel a few weeks ago. Since then, I’ve already polished off a few of these. Subscribe to the YouTube channel to keep up with the book reviews.

What’s at the top of your TBR for November?

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