Homeschool Schedule

I asked on social media if you’d be interested in a post about our homeschool journey. A few people responded saying YES they’d want it. If this helps even one person… let’s do it!

Week Four

Holiday Traditions We have a LOT of those around this family. Here's a few: Christmas Jammies-Each member of the family opens ONE package before going to bed on Christmas Eve. It's ALWAYS Christmas Pajamas.Christmas Eve Game Night-Each Christmas Eve we have a BIG get together. Everyone brings a dish to share so there's plenty of... Continue Reading →

30 Day Writing Challenge-Day 23

Dear Kids, Today we are on vacation. Years from now you'll probably look back on it and remember the ocean trip, when we talked up and down the beach with our sneakers strung over our shoulders. Maybe you'll remember that we had to climb down from the parking lot onto the beach. You were so... Continue Reading →

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